What This Comedian Said Will Shock You - Hardcover

What This Comedian Said Will Shock You

$30.00 $24.00
Maher, Bill

The hilarious and controversial host of HBOā€™s Real Time with Bill Maher has written his funniest, most opinionated, and most necessary book everā€”a brilliantly astute and acerbically funny vivisection of American life, politics, and culture.

Some of the smartest commentary about whatā€™s happening in America is coming from a comedianā€”this comedian being Bill Maher. If you want to understand whatā€™s wrong with this country, it turns out that one of the best informed and most thought-provoking analysts is this very funny pothead.

The book was inspired by the ā€œeditorialā€ Bill delivers at the end of each episode of Real Time. These editorials are direct-to-camera sermons about culture, politics, and whatā€™s happening in the world. To put this book together, Maher reviewed more than a decade of his editorials, rewriting, reimagining, and updating them, and adding new material to speak exactly to the moment weā€™re in. Free speech, cops, drugs, race, religion, the generations, cancel culture, the parties, the media, show biz, romance, healthā€”Maher covers it all. The result is a hugely entertaining work of commentary about American culture in the tradition of Mark Twain, Will Rogers, and H. L. Mencken.
